1 ttyplot 2 ======= 3 a realtime plotting utility for terminal with data input from stdin 4 5 takes data from standard input / unix pipeline, most commonly some tool like *ping, snmpget, netstat, ifconfig, sar, vmstat*, etc. and plots in text mode on a terminal in real time, for example simple **ping**: 6 7  8 9 10 11 12 13 supports rate calculation for counters and up to two graphs on a single display using reverse video for second line, for example **snmpget** or **ip link**: 14 15  16 17 18 19 20 21 download 22 ======== 23 see [releases tab]( 24 25 usage examples 26 ============== 27 28 ### cpu usage from vmstat using awk to pick the right column 29 ``` 30 vmstat -n 1 | gawk '{ print 100-int($(NF-2)); fflush(); }' | ttyplot 31 ``` 32 33 ### cpu usage from sar with title and fixed scale to 100% 34 ``` 35 sar 1 | gawk '{ print 100-int($NF); fflush(); }' | ttyplot -s 100 -t "cpu usage" -u "%" 36 ``` 37 38 ### memory usage from sar, using perl to pick the right column 39 ``` 40 sar -r 1 | perl -lane 'BEGIN{$|=1} print "@F[5]"' | ttyplot -s 100 -t "memory used %" -u "%" 41 ``` 42 43 ### number of processes in running and io blocked state 44 ``` 45 vmstat -n 1 | perl -lane 'BEGIN{$|=1} print "@F[0,1]"' | ttyplot -2 -t "procs in R and D state" 46 ``` 47 48 ### load average via uptime and awk 49 ``` 50 { while true; do uptime | gawk '{ gsub(/,/, ""); print $(NF-2) }'; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -t "load average" -s load 51 ``` 52 53 ### ping plot with sed 54 ``` 55 ping | sed -u 's/^.*time=//g; s/ ms//g' | ttyplot -t "ping to" -u ms 56 ``` 57 58 ### wifi signal level in -dBM (higher is worse) using iwconfig 59 ``` 60 { while true; do iwconfig 2>/dev/null | grep "Signal level" | sed -u 's/^.*Signal level=-//g; s/dBm//g'; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -t "wifi signal" -u "-dBm" -s 90 61 ``` 62 63 ### cpu temperature from proc 64 ``` 65 { while true; do awk '{ printf("%.1f\n", $1/1000) }' /sys/class/thermal/thermal_zone0/temp; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -t "cpu temp" -u C 66 ``` 67 68 ### fan speed from lm-sensors using grep, tr and cut 69 ``` 70 { while true; do sensors | grep fan1: | tr -s " " | cut -d" " -f2; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -t "fan speed" -u RPM 71 ``` 72 73 ### bitcoin price chart using curl and jq 74 ``` 75 { while true; do curl -sL | jq .bpi.USD.rate_float; sleep 600; done } | ttyplot -t "bitcoin price" -u usd 76 ``` 77 78 ### stock quote chart 79 ``` 80 { while true; do curl -sL; echo; sleep 600; done } | ttyplot -t "google stock price" -u usd 81 ``` 82 83 ### prometheus load average via node_exporter 84 ``` 85 { while true; do curl -s | grep "^node_load1 " | cut -d" " -f2; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot 86 ``` 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 network/disk throughput examples 95 ================================ 96 ttyplot supports two line plot for in/out or read/write 97 98 ### snmp network throughput for an interface using snmpdelta 99 ``` 100 snmpdelta -v 2c -c public -Cp 10{10,16}.9 | gawk '{ print $NF/1000/1000/10; fflush(); }' | ttyplot -2 -t "interface 9 throughput" -u Mb/s 101 ``` 102 103 ### local network throughput for all interfaces combined from sar 104 ``` 105 sar -n DEV 1 | gawk '{ if($6 ~ /rxkB/) { print iin/1000; print out/1000; iin=0; out=0; fflush(); } iin=iin+$6; out=out+$7; }' | ttyplot -2 -u "MB/s" 106 ``` 107 108 ### disk throughput from iostat 109 ``` 110 iostat -xmy 1 nvme0n1 | stdbuf -o0 tr -s " " | stdbuf -o0 cut -d " " -f 4,5 | ttyplot -2 -t "nvme0n1 throughput" -u MB/s 111 ``` 112 113 114 115 116 117 118 rate calculator for counters 119 ============================ 120 ttyplot also supports *counter* style metrics, calculating *rate* by measured time difference between samples 121 122 ### snmp network throughput for an interface using snmpget 123 ``` 124 { while true; do snmpget -v 2c -c public{10,16}.9 | awk '{ print $NF/1000/1000; }'; sleep 10; done } | ttyplot -2 -r -u "MB/s" 125 ``` 126 127 ### local interface throughput using ip link and jq 128 ``` 129 { while true; do ip -s -j link show enp0s31f6 | jq .[].stats64.rx.bytes/1024/1024,.[].stats64.tx.bytes/1024/1024; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -r -2 -u "MB/s" 130 ``` 131 132 ### prometheus node exporter disk throughput for /dev/sda 133 ``` 134 { while true; do curl -s | awk '/^node_disk_.+_bytes_total{device="sda"}/ { printf("%f\n", $2/1024/1024); }'; sleep 1; done } | ttyplot -r -2 -u MB/s -t " sda writes" 135 ``` 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 options 143 ======= 144 145 ``` 146 ttyplot [-2] [-r] [-c plotchar] [-s scale] [-m max] [-t title] [-u unit] 147 148 -2 read two values and draw two plots, the second one is in reverse video 149 -r rate of a counter (divide value by measured sample interval) 150 -c character to use for plot line, eg @ # % . etc 151 -e character to use for plot error line when value exceeds hardmax (default: e) 152 -s minimum/initial scale of the plot (can go above if data input has larger value) 153 -m maximum value, if exceeded draws error line (see -e), plot scale is fixed 154 -t title of the plot 155 -u unit displayed beside vertical bar 156 ``` 157 158 159 160 161 162 163 issues 164 ====== 165 ### stdio buffering 166 by default in unix stdio is buffered, you can work around it in [various ways]( 167 168 ### ttyplot quits and erases screen when there is no more data 169 it's by design, you can work around by adding sleep or read, for example: 170 ``` 171 { echo "1 2 3"; sleep 1000; } | ttyplot 172 ``` 173 174 ### when running interactively and non-numeric data is entered (eg some key) ttyplot hangs 175 press `ctrl^j` to re-set